Understand the importance and value of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace and apply universal design principles to propose systems that benefit a diverse group of individuals.
Vice President of Impact & Engagement Strategy at DCI
Asad Muhammad
Asad Muhammad, VP of Impact & Engagement Strategy leads the POV Engage team which encompasses the community engagement, education, and station relations arm of PBS’s AmDoc. Asad brings over fifteen years of experience in education and community development with a primary focus on the advancement of court-involved, queer-identified and incarcerated youth. Asad started his teaching career as fourth-grade teacher in Atlanta, and transitioned into school turnaround work building new schools from the ground up in the cities of Detroit, Atlanta, New Orleans and Brooklyn.
Vice President of Human Resources at ITV
Erica McKenna
Erica McKenna is a highly-skilled leader in Human Resources with valuable management experience. She has worked with ITV for many years, most recently as the Vice President of Human Resources. She leads recruiting and staff training efforts, as well as resolving employee conflicts.